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Retreat Guide for AstroViktor

Astrology Retreat in Izmir by AstroViktor
Retreat Guide by Astrocreativa in PDF Format



Professional Astrologer

Diseño de una Guía Práctica para un Retiro Astrológico. El proyecto incluye el diseño de la portada, ilustraciones, tablas y otros elementos gráficos específicos para el tema del Retiro y el lugar. Portada diseñada utilizando la paleta de colores definida en base a la energía sobresaliente de la carta natal del cliente.

Mayra has been very helpful with publishing my very first book. She gave me very great ideas of what we can do with the cover as well as she edited the book to perfection I cannot wait to work with you again on my second book:) Not to mention that she was very affordable and professional also Many thanks and work with you again soon:)